“In Jake and the Never Land Pirates: Never Land Rescue, Jake embarks on his most heroic mission ever as the magic of Never Land begins to disappear just as the ancient Forever Tree seems to be fading away. After a mysterious figure known as “The Guardian” arrives to explain that only the pirate who truly believes in himself can save Never Land from vanishing completely, Jake must break off from the rest of his crew and go alone on a mission to save the Forever Tree, the source of magic throughout all of Never Land. Guiding Jake on his quest is Tinker Bell, who makes her first-ever appearance in the series.”
Released November 19th, the one-disc DVD includes a Jake Sword with Glow-in the-Dark Stickers, 5 full-length episodes and 8 “Playing with Skully” Shorts!
To get the boys ready for the yo-ho-ho adventure, we held a pirate viewing party. Arghhh!
Our pirate kit included a treasure box, first mate popcorn bucket, eye patch, and tree growing kit! We were fresh out of popcorn, but cheese doodles made a great movie snack. And since both boys love to water the plants in our garden, they were excited to participate in planting a new tree in our yard.
The movie was full of adventure and fun for our little matey’s! Save now on this new movie release at amazon.com, where it’s currently priced at just $14.99 (at the time of this review).
Check out this fun film clip from the movie: Forever Tree
Giveaway Time!
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Tiffany Schmidt says
We love this show. My son Dean will sing “Jake and the Neverland Pirates… and Dean” (instead of me)
Maria Estrella Cohen Gonzalez says
Oh how my son just loved this show. Arrghh